Congratulations Silentlambs!!!
I'm sitting here right now with a glass of wine and I do raise it to you for all you have done to make this horrendous crime known to all.
I joined this forum a month ago as a non-active non-associating JW. I, for one, had no idea this kind of problem even existed in the org.
A couple of years ago when my husband (non-jw) suggested that the org. could easily harbour perverts, I was incensed at the thought of that. Never!! never could that happen in the only true religion!!!
What an eye-opener this forum, freeminds, and your website has been. Thank you so much for helping me to "see" without blinders.
Thank you so much too for what your fight has accomplished in helping the victims to not be plagued with guilt and pain and suffering any longer at the hands of their attackers and those who would protect those sick perverts in the name of protecting the "good name of the org."
I hope this will also be a step in the right direction for the molestors, to get the proper help instead of hiding behind the skirts of the org. (if that helps them....I don't know enough about the psychology of the sickness to know what is help or even if any help is possible)
Sorry....I only meant to say thanks
Cheers (raising my glass)
Had Enough